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Community Heart Watch Resource Library

Educating community members is an important step in raising awareness and improving SCA survival rates. The following resources have been provided to assist our community partners in the mission of saving lives across the region.

This content is subject to change. Please check back for updates and additions.

Fairfield Medical Center invites Community Heart Watch members to download and share the following materials:

Avive Social Media Copy – Use this text to create captions for social media posts


Avive Social Media Graphics Use the following images to support Avive messaging:

Become a Hero: Chain of Survival and PulsePoint AED Handout

Become a Hero: SCA in the Workplace and Heart Safe Business Handout

Community Heart Watch: PowerPoint Presentation Template

Social Graphic: Heart Attack vs. SCA

Social media caption: When a person experiences sudden cardiac arrest (SCA), they may collapse, become unresponsive and struggle to breathe. Immediately performing CPR and using an automated external defibrillator (AED) could save a life. Are you ready to become a hero? Learn more at

Social Graphic: Recognizing SCA vs. Heart Attack

Social media caption: Understanding the difference between a heart attack and sudden cardiac arrest can help you respond appropriately in the event of an emergency. When SCA strikes, become a hero by calling 911, beginning CPR and using an AED to restart the heart. Are you ready to become a hero? Learn more at

Time sensitive 
Social media caption: Did you know that more than 350,000 out-of-hospital cardiac arrests occur each year? Be prepared to save a life by knowing how to respond in an emergency. Learn more about becoming a hero at

Social media caption: When used within minutes of collapse, AEDs can double or triple a sudden cardiac arrest victim’s chances of survival – but they don’t do any good if no one can find them. Learn more about registering AEDs and saving lives at

Print Ad and Social Graphic: PulsePoint AED was Designed to Save Lives

Print Ad and Social Graphic: Every Second Counts. Follow These Steps to Save a Life. 

H.O.P.E. Hands Only Practical Experience Handout

How Can We Help?

As a Community Heart Watch committee member, we know you are an advocate for health and dedicated to improving survival rates. We want to do everything we can to further your mission. If there are any handouts or content that you feel may be beneficial in future trainings, presentations or for general awareness, please let us know.