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Strokes Kill Brain Cells We Save Them

What is a stroke? Actually, it’s like a heart attack, only it’s happening to your brain. Blood clots block a blood vessel or a blood vessel breaks, interrupting the flow of blood to an area of the brain. Just like a heart attack, the sooner you seek treatment, the more likely you’ll minimize permanent disability or even death.

When a stroke occurs, the symptoms and the ailment happen all at once. Quickly recognizing the most common stroke symptoms can make the difference in minimizing permanent disabilities or death. You have to move fast and think smart.

Don't Stall Call

Neuro Support Group

Whether you’ve survived a stroke or other neurological disorder or injury, or are currently a caregiver for someone else, you are invited to attend Fairfield Medical Center’s FREE Neuro Support Group. The group meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month (except December) from 4:45-5:45 p.m. at the River Valley Campus, 2384 N. Memorial Dr., Lancaster. Meetings are held in Conference Room A (enter building from Columbus St. side).

The support group is designed to connect and motivate people who have been through a recovery process or are currently undergoing rehabilitation due to a neurological condition, with a focus on improving communication and accessing community resources.

Click here to learn more about how the support group is making a difference for its members.

What Our Patients Are Saying

They put me in a wheelchair and they ran.
They put me in a wheelchair and they ran.

Jackie Bailey, Stroke care patient, shares her experience with Fairfield Medical Center.

Read More of Our Patients' Stories

Joel Reid
In Good Hands – Stroke after Severe Neck Injury

FMC chaplain Joel Reid is sharing his love of music – and his positive healthcare experience – with patients after a severe neck injury caused a series of life-threatening strokes.

Jay Truesdell stroke patient
In the Right Place, at the Right Time – Jay’s Stroke Story

When Jay Truesdell suffered a stroke in 2019, he was in the right place at the right time. A former physical therapist assistant, Jay had just arrived for his shift at Fairfield Medical Center when he decided to stop in the cafeteria for breakfast. While standing at the cash register, he began to experience a sharp pain in his head. Other symptoms, such as fatigue, weakness in his left arm and confusion, soon followed.

Neuro Support Group Testimonials

A neurological disorder, such as stroke, dementia or a brain injury, can change your life in an instant. The Neuro Support Group at Fairfield Medical Center is designed to provide education, understanding and hope to patients and caregivers who are navigating the challenges that come with a life-changing medical episode or diagnosis. The group regularly hosts guest speakers to address topics of interest, and also provides activities to promote group bonding and facilitate acceptance and healing.